Ibermansa Sucursal Chile is dedicated to the maintenance of biomedical equipments and facilities, both private and public, regardless of the complexity, brands and models and have the support of 35 years experience from Grupo Empresarial Electromédico.
Its technicians are its key value. They have expertise and training to respond effectivily to any fault that could arise con the equipment. This technical team is integrated in the medical centers, providing a service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, guaranting low response times.
Ibermansa Chile has its own software platform for management and optimization of maintenance activities, extending the useful life of medical equipment.
Aware of the needs of chilean market, Ibermansa Chile decides to participate in it, providing in a short period of time satisfaction and savings to our clients by offering then a swift and efficient service. We also provide our services in the Hospital Concesionado Félix Bulnes de Cerro Navia, Región Metropolitana de Santiago, among others.
Ibermansa Chile is part of Chiletec Asociation, through our software platform for the management of maintenance activities within the health sector, MantHosp.
Balmoral 309, Oficina 901
Las Condes, Región Metropolitana
Código Postal 7561282
Santiago, Chile
Ibermansa Sucursal Colombia is dedicated to the maintenance and repair of biomedical equipment and facilities in the field of public and private health, with the support and experience of more than 35 years of GEE in Spain to ensure the quality and speed on service.
It¡s created on 1 September, 2017, hand in hand with the Fundación Cardioinfantil in Bogotá, with a contract of management of the quality of electromedical maintenance in infraestructure and facilities.
This project was designed with the concept of quality maintenance management through a quality and asset management plan, with a real time technical methodology. This allows us to minimize downtimes and optimize the performance of equipment and facilities, improving the attention and anticipation of situations of risk for the health personnel and for the final patient.
The whole team has conducted a training of procedures and protocols, as well as of our CMS, MantHosp. This training document has been validated by the Fundación Cardioinfantil and serves as a model for the interaction of different working groups.
There is a high degree of satisfaction, because the implementation of quality management models of maintenance is well received in the region.
In April 2018, we started the medical electrical equipment maintenance contract with Fundación Cardioinfantil.
Ibermansa Sucursal Perú is dedicated to the maintenance and repair of biomedical equipments and facilites, both public and private, with the support and over 35 years of experience from GEE in Spain to guarantee a high-quality and efficient service.
It gets the first public-private partnership tender for hospitals in Peru in 2010, in colaboration with a group of spanish companies. From this first tender, Iberman Peru opens its representative office in Milaflores – Lima in Martz 1, 2013.
In July 2014, Iberman Peru awarded a private-public partnership contract to provide maintenance services in the Health National Institute from El Niño, in San Borja – Lima. Likewise, we provide our maintenance services in the Ricardo Palma Clinic, Huancayo’s new hospital and other projects.
Besides, Ibermansa Peru began to operate in two hospitals, opened in April 30, 2014: the Villa María del Triunfo Hospital (Kaelin de la Fuente) and the El Callao Hospital (Thompson Barton), both of them belonging to the EsSalud. Both have 253 beds each and a high-level technology. Ibermansa Peru provides the services of maintenance and repairing on biomedical services and general facilities under a 30 years-long contract.
The whole Grupo Empresarial Electromédico is excited about these actual projects and well as the outcomings, developing important colaborations and importing our working philosophy, the main key of our success.
Avda. Casimiro Ulloa 217. Urbanización San Antonio.
Miraflores – Lima. Perú
+511 243 8585 /
In 2015, Grupo Empresarial Electromédico, through Ibermansa SA, reachs an agreement with Iberdata Hospitalar to offer electromedical maintenance service in Portugal.
Iberdata Hospitalar offers electromedical equipment and medical facilities maintenance services as well as distributes medical equipments. They have a highly experienced and ongoing trained staff, physically present at the working centers 24/7. This allows Iberdata to offer swift solutions to any fault, keeping the hospital services in constant operation.
Offered medical maintenace services are beyond the simple support or comercialized equipment. Iberdata has the capability to offer technical support to all the equipments on the center and all the needed logistics and materials. The main goal of these services is to maximize the lifetime of all equipment and installations and in perfect conditions of use, as well as ensuring the safety of people at all times.
Iberdata offers the entire equipment life cycle maintenance: technical legal maintenance, corrective, preventive, predictive and conductive maintenance. Likewise, they have the experience, knowledge and infraestructure from the entire Grupo Empresarial Electromédico.